Gia sư Luyện thi Đại học tại Tiền Hải, Thái Bình

Tìm gia sư theo các tiêu chí: Gia sư Luyện thi Đại học, Gia sư Tiền Hải, Gia sư Thái Bình

  • Giáo viên giỏi Dạy tự do chuyên dạy kèm môn Tiếng Anh
    Thang Tran
    Mã gia sư 32082
    Ngày sinh 12/02/1992
    Quê quán Tiền Hải - Thái Bình
    Giáo viên trường Dạy tự do
    Sống tại 50 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Minh Khai District, Ha Giang City, Ha Giang Province, Nam Hưng, Nam Hưng - Tiền Hải - Thái Bình
    Hiện tôi là giáo viên tự do
    • Majored in International Relations
    • Teaching students to be a global citizen
    • Focusing on developing communication skills for students
    • Being dedicated and creative
    Hi, my name is Thang. I have been teaching English for over 6 years. I love teaching because working with children is interesting. Because Vietnam has been integrating more deeply into the world over the past 30 years, I have always wanted to help as many Vietnamese people be able to speak English better as possible, particularly those who live in rural areas. In my opinion, equality in education plays a vital role in the development of a country. When teaching English, I always do my best to motivate my students so that they love English first and then they will know how to find their own ...